Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's Time

I did something for myself today. I joined the local YWCA . I belonged before and I loved going to the aqua-aerobics classes. As the winter progressed that first year I lost momentum, I got plain lazy, I stopped going. I have said before and I am sure I will say again no one can lie to you like you yourself can. I promised myself I would go back and I let myself down. I gave up on myself. It's time to make another turn in the road. One toward the right direction.

Making a life style change is hard work. It is not for the easily deterred. I started this journey not sure of how long I would last or if I would even make that first turn. I stayed the course and managed to lose a lot of weight.I like my life now. There is so much I can do for myself, by myself that I just couldn't before. I have energy. I have ambition. I have a measure of self worth that didn't exist before. I don't want to lose those things. Slowly I have been letting my old way of eating and thinking creep back into my life.

I am good at supplying handy excuses to enable eating shouldn'ts. My life has stress but whose life doesn't? I am not unique in that. I just need to channel the stress into positive energy and not put food in my mouth. Sometimes a person needs to be the change they want to see. You know a little of the if you believe you can make a difference you can.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.