Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Far and Awry

Once upon a thirty odd years ago I was a young girl who yearned to be an adult. I finally got my wish one day when that sneaky mistress we all call Time slipped in through a weakness in my foundation. I have been looking for the throwback switch ever since. Why didn't I hold onto that magical time when everything was just out of reach but reachable? Why did I think that being a grownup was the goal to sprint for?

People often form the wrong idea about who I am. I know that I am to blame. I enjoy being somewhat of a mystery. Sometimes though I fool myself. Have you just ever wanted to walk away from your life? Why is it that when I am mired down by life I feel it right away? yet I am unable to recognize all the things in my life that are great just the way they are.  I am sure I am not alone in those thoughts. I have a good life but I suffer from the grass is greener syndrome. I jump to the conclusion that people around me have it easier or nicer or better or more fulfilling. I feel my soul turn green with envy.I worry that someday the Grim Reaper will alight on my doorstep and only then will I realize that I wasted all those years not knowing I was happy. You can't get back what you have thrown away.

Stop throwing your life away. Lose faith and you lose everything.

Never give up on the person you are meant to be.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.