Monday, July 18, 2011

Salad Not Pie

I have been living the new program. I guess I am doing OK as I am now at 29 pts/day until I reach goal. I am down 9.8 pounds. My clothes are starting to fit better. I feel better. I want to succeed not just for myself. I want this for ALL the Large Marge's out there trapped in bodies that don't reflect who they are. I want to prove that belief in one's own power is the greatest gift you can have for yourself.

I try to live my life with no regrets but I have some. I regret that it took the loss of my sister and my mother to spur me into action. My whole life I have chased the dream of acceptance. Yet I am the one who can't let go(of the garbage in my life), accept and move on. I regret not going to college, getting a degree, acquiring the job I always wanted.

My mother used to say,"the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step." I am on the roadtrip of my life with this one. It is time to put the regrets to bed for good. Every day that you wake up is a gift; a new chance to pick yourself up and try again. Don't discard your day. Do something positive with it. Share a smile, call a friend, visit your parents.

Use the day, this day to do something positive for you. Choose a salad skip the pie just for this day. If I can just remember not to forget what a power I can be I will be fine. Never give up on the person you are meant to be.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.