Monday, June 11, 2012

I Found the Right MR. RIGHT

I haven't blogged in nearly six months. I haven't tracked my food or paid attention to what I have shoveled into my gullet for longer. I have been an idiot. I have been selfish, angry, and hateful. I gave up on myself. Instead of turning to my life partner to talk and ask for his support I tried to push him away. He has stood firmly by my side. I am not sure I will ever understand what I did to capture his love but I am ever thankful I did.

My hubby never gives up on me. He believes in me and encourages me on my journey even when I DON'T show up. He will not let me quit WW or myself. Somehow I got lucky and found my Mr. Right.

In early July a friend of ours will be gliding down the  aisle to exchange vows with her Mr. Right. I hope she will be as lucky as I have been. True love is not glitz and glitter. It is born of friendship, respect, and hard work. Our relationship is not perfect but we work around the crap and embrace the good. There is no other I want to spend my life with even on my worst day.

I started the program from scratch this morning. This time I am tracking online. I will try to fit in more physical activity. I am going to try to blog more, to be more positive, to show up so I can participate in my own life/success.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.