Monday, April 6, 2009


There is a song by Paula Cole called Me. It is a great song with wonderful thoughts about being one's own worst enemy and yet one's biggest cheerleader. The very first time I heard it I was drawn to it. I guess for me it rings very true. I am my worst enemy and I try to be my own cheerleader. Here are some of the words courtesy of some lyric site.

And it is me who is my enemy
Me who beats me up
Me who makes the monsters
Me who strips my confidence
I am carrying my voice
I am carrying my heart
I am carrying my rhythm
I am carrying my prayers
But you cant kill my spirit
Its soaring and its strong
Like a mountain
I go on and on

The thing that I finally realized after being a faithful WW for over two years, I am the one who makes my journey tough. I have had the answer the entire time. Just like Dorothy had to go to Oz to realize that there really is "no place like home". She had the key to her own happiness the whole time. We all do. Epiphany!! It is Me. I am solely responisble for my actions good and bad. I will make it to the goal I have set for myself. I find that I actually enjoy being good to myself. My future is mine to write as I wish. For now I am happy to be.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.