Saturday, July 3, 2010

Just Another Day?

I have always had a thing about my birthday. I dread the thought of getting older. I hate that I feel alone in the world. I hate that it is in July. My birthday was today. My hubby knows I hate this day. His response? "Honey it's just another day that I get to love you." or he tells me to relax which in turn makes me more tense. I know I am a little off center but that is who I am.
Today was in truth really just another day but the little girl that dwells in my heart hoped for something more. Only after hubby took me to my favorite restaurant for supper did I realize that my life is spectacular. I am lucky enough to have found the one I am happy to share my life with, my soul mate, my friend, my hubby.

...and it is just another day that I get to love you.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.