Thursday, June 13, 2013

22 Saturdays

There are just 22 Saturdays between now and my next birthday.  

There are just 3 Saturdays between now and my next birthday. I have squandered the rest on anger, misguidance and general mayhem. When a person is of a certain age it seems as if time does not budge. Waiting to drive, waiting to date, waiting for a red light to turn green...sorry got sidetracked. Waiting for milestones in life always feel like a long drawn out process; whereas the good times actually do roll, right by at blinding speed.

I don't enjoy getting older. I have always hated this aspect of being alive. I wanted to be 12 forever but 13 came right along and tossed my dream to the ground. I have been aging steady since. I now belong to that crowd that all the younger people call old. The problem with youth is that while we are in the middle of it we never realize how cool or how fleeting youth is.

Another year says goodbye. Another year to try to get my world to tilt right. As long as there is hope there is another chance.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.