Saturday, November 30, 2013

One Journey Ends as Another Begins

What is that rubbish that people like to quote? When God closes a door He opens a window. Allegorical rubbish. I think it is just a nice way of saying when something meets its finish there is always something new to start. Seems WWs has shoved a group of us in that direction. My old meeting which took place Sundays at 7:30a.m. has been eliminated. Mind you not because people were not showing up but because too many lifetime members are at this meeting. Round of applause for the leader, Thank you.  WWs makes no money off  this meeting. If you ask me, I know you won't  because I'll tell you how I feel anyway, this sends a very bad message.

Bottom line WWs wants your $$. It is nice for their stats come fiscal inventory that a percentage of fatties lose weight and make lifetime but truth is they need fat people who fail. There is money to be made off of people who just can't get their shit together to lose weight and keep it off.

I wish I could change my eating for the better without outside help but I can't. I have tried. My new goal?  I want to finish what I started for me because I am worth it. WWs can go pound sand. I will get to goal and become free and cost them revenue. I will, watch me.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Now, that's what I call a positive attitude.

The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.