Saturday, January 11, 2014

Not Where I Want to BE

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be" how true the quote, how cutting the remark. And yet, couldn't it just be the most motivating, awe inspiring thing you've heard in a long time?

I need this. Hell, I need something. Lord knows I haven't felt inspired in months. WWs as a whole has been lackluster of late. I am not interested in a plan that constantly changes. I am interested in a plan that consistently changes me for the better. I swear I no sooner "learn" the new WW program and poof new version 2.0 is now in effect. Really? C'mon.

Dear fellow WW members,

You want to know the inside story to great success? You.
 That's it, just you. Amazed? Well you should be.  Eat like your life depended on it, because in reality it does. I can not believe I have let myself keep me hostage all these years. I am tired of being my own worst enemy. I am done hurting myself for my shortcomings. I have wasted so much of my precious life waiting to become the best me. Maybe I am already the best me. The BEST friend, the BEST wife, the BEST person and I just refuse to see that I am okay. My goal? to learn to accept who I truly am versus who I think I should be and just be happy in the moment.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sometimes the Weather Gods Smile Down On You

...and sometimes they just don't. I set my alarm for 7:30 this morning to get up and ready for my new meeting at my new time. The weather gods had other ideas in mind. Due to a light coating of ice on the road ways this morning has been canceled.

I am house bound today. I am not unhappy, however;  I start to get cabin fever if I am forced to stay inside too long. The real test is NOT to pick at the groceries I have in my house. I am attempting to be on program again after a lengthy hiatus. Wish me luck and check back here later to see how I did.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

One Journey Ends as Another Begins

What is that rubbish that people like to quote? When God closes a door He opens a window. Allegorical rubbish. I think it is just a nice way of saying when something meets its finish there is always something new to start. Seems WWs has shoved a group of us in that direction. My old meeting which took place Sundays at 7:30a.m. has been eliminated. Mind you not because people were not showing up but because too many lifetime members are at this meeting. Round of applause for the leader, Thank you.  WWs makes no money off  this meeting. If you ask me, I know you won't  because I'll tell you how I feel anyway, this sends a very bad message.

Bottom line WWs wants your $$. It is nice for their stats come fiscal inventory that a percentage of fatties lose weight and make lifetime but truth is they need fat people who fail. There is money to be made off of people who just can't get their shit together to lose weight and keep it off.

I wish I could change my eating for the better without outside help but I can't. I have tried. My new goal?  I want to finish what I started for me because I am worth it. WWs can go pound sand. I will get to goal and become free and cost them revenue. I will, watch me.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

On Showing Up

I am starting this post right before I leave to go weigh in. I know that the scale will be at a number that I DO NOT like but I have grown myself into that number.  I have to face the music and change the tune into something I want. I will finish this post....Surprise, surprise  I actually somehow lost 1.2 lbs. I was shocked but I will take it.

 I write this blog mostly for myself to keep the runway in my head clear from unwanted, dangerous debris. Someone commented on my post from a few days ago. It took me totally by surprise but it made me smile. Growing up I wanted to be the ONE people noticed for all the right reasons. I suffer from Jan Brady syndrome. Yes I admit it. I am a middle child. I have been short changed so many times I feel like a dented penny. Being an adult, one would think that I could just walk away from all the petty mind rumblings in my head, sadly this is not so. I am an emotional eater.

I still feel like I am unworthy of forgiveness, of love, of  happiness, of... why can't I just let go? Is that shadow of unknown so scary that I AM  afraid to put on the light/? The problem lies in my psyche.. I wanted someone to love me as I am, my hubby fills that need, yet I still feel unloved. I wanted to belong. I have friends, yet I feel like gum on their shoe that they can't find a way to shake. I wanted shelter, so we bought a house, yet I don't feel at home. My real problem is ME.

Being bullied by people has a way of putting a groove in your soul that you keep tripping over. Years later when it is all over and done with that groove plays over and over.  I bully myself. I was not strong enough to be the different one, I was picked on and singled out because I was different. It is something that I struggle with everyday,in every aspect of my life. It is finding the right balance that is my stone. I need to learn to be kinder to myself. To cut myself a break now and then because perfect is only in the movies.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Lately I find myself asking, where has my life gone? not where is my life going but where the hell has it gone to. I am near that crossroad in life. Over the hill. I am not ready to go over. I don't want to get any older. I don't want to have less life in front of me instead of endless days of youth. I wanted to be so much more than what I am. The problem with being Peter Pan is that one foolishly believes in the notion of never growing up. Believe and it is yours, sorry but pure bullshit. Yet somehow I bought it hook, line and sinker.
    I have been fighting my "fat" demons since before I was 12 years old. I am tired. I  have never been able to keep them at bay for any real length of time. Which leaves me wondering WHY? What is the answer? Is there an answer? I want peace of mind in a cluttered kingdom of distress. I have stopped trying to lose weight. I find myself getting fluffy. I am making seriously flawed decision regarding my health. I am becoming increasingly more and more angry with myself, my hubby, my dad, pick a category.

     It is time for me, actually it is way past time for me, to put this to rest. Pick a direction and follow to the end road. I am going to try to do the unthinkable for myself. 225 days of making the right choices for my health. 225 days until I am pushed over the hill, 225 days to a better me. Time to start taking my WW life serious.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

22 Saturdays

There are just 22 Saturdays between now and my next birthday.  

There are just 3 Saturdays between now and my next birthday. I have squandered the rest on anger, misguidance and general mayhem. When a person is of a certain age it seems as if time does not budge. Waiting to drive, waiting to date, waiting for a red light to turn green...sorry got sidetracked. Waiting for milestones in life always feel like a long drawn out process; whereas the good times actually do roll, right by at blinding speed.

I don't enjoy getting older. I have always hated this aspect of being alive. I wanted to be 12 forever but 13 came right along and tossed my dream to the ground. I have been aging steady since. I now belong to that crowd that all the younger people call old. The problem with youth is that while we are in the middle of it we never realize how cool or how fleeting youth is.

Another year says goodbye. Another year to try to get my world to tilt right. As long as there is hope there is another chance.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I Am....

... so very many things at this moment. I am weary, I am depressed, I am ANGRY, I am uncertain of which direction I want my life to go in. Today is my Dad's 78th birthday. He lives with dementia which means that I live with dementia. His condition stresses me out. Have you ever seen the movie "Groundhog Day"? Well pretty much that is my life. I know I shouldn't bitch but it is so hard to relive the same bad day over and over and over and over, see it starts to get to you too. I call it my "Never Ending Story" except I don't get to fly on the back of a Luck Dragon.

I love my Dad so so much. It kills me that he can't recall the day of the week or the season we are in or my kid sister. In his mind he is responsible for my mother's passing because of something he did or something he failed to do. I think sometimes he thinks she left and is in fact alive somewhere. My Dad often cries to me that he is lonely. How do you tell someone there is no cure for that? He could be surrounded by people in a busy room and not remember he was there a few minutes after leaving.

He yearns for people, places and things of his past that are no longer there.  Many of his relatives and friends have passed. In his world almost everyone is intact. Money can't buy peace of mind no matter how much you wish on pixie dust. In the end it is just dust.

I need to get my life back on track. I am at that point where I am starting to hate myself for all of my "shortcomings". I am just me, traveling the same road of life that everyone else is on. I don't have any answers I never did. My life is rife with questions, questions, and more questions.

I am loved. I am important. I am beautiful. I am smart. I am not a quitter.
I am hopeful. I am determined. I much more than I ever imagined possible.

I will succeed.

This journey I have put myself on should have come with warning signs. = (


The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.