Sunday, January 23, 2011

Frozen Entrees

My alarm is blaring. We got in late last night after a hockey game. I set that blasted thing so I wouldn't miss my WW meeting. I flip the covers off and back on with lightning speed. Holy amounts of Mercury it is freezing in my room. I made a promise to myself that if I went back to Sunday meetings I was going to try not to miss. I sit up and stretch to silence the clock before dear hubby stirs. I lie back down and pick up one of our cats from the corner of our bed and put her on my chest. The purring is nice and she is furry and warm. I begin to doze but the nagging "you have to go" notion is floating in my semi-conscientious state. I made a promise to myself.

I am not looking forward to going out in the cold. This weekend is supposed to be record setting. I layer up and head out. My Jeep groans as I start the engine. The temperature gauge on my dash glows 8 degrees. Crap 8? really? I stop at my local coffee shop and by the time I reach my meeting 5 miles away it has gone cold. UGH, but I am keeping my promise.

It is almost too cold to go out but I braved it. I have the idea that I just might be the only one who ventures out. My favorite weigh-in guy is there as is a roomful of my fellow WW friends. I guess I am not the only brave one. I am keeping my promise. I lost again this week, down 2.6 pounds. Sundays are for me :)

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.