Friday, January 7, 2011

Out With the Old, In With Something New? or Is It Still Old?

Okay so I thought a new meeting with a new leader would be the thing. The thing? Success at program. I have been unable to sustain any success for quite some time. I was wrong about the new meeting with the new leader. Why? The truth is short and simple and me. Yes, I am totally at fault here. I was unhappy with the leader's style. I had grown restless in my adventure. My personal life was going through some major changes that I am still having difficulties dealing with. I did what any great escape artist would do, I ran. Funny thing is I have never been able to run away from myself.

I am going back to my Sunday weigh-in and meeting. I had my best success there. I need to set out on my journey again with a fresh prospective. I can do this. I want this.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.