Sunday, January 30, 2011

This One's For You

Often when I blog I talk about people yet don't mention them by name. It is my way of protecting the innocent just like on TV. Sometimes; however, people need to see themselves in my world. I have to admit  the longer I was away from my Sunday meeting the more I missed some of the very people who laughed with me, cried with me and helped me. One morning as I sat in my livingroom early this December I saw an email from Nancy (hi) asking after my general welfare. It made me smile and wax sentimental for the ladies I friended at that early morning meeting. I had been thinking about tucking tail and going back to base camp to reunite with my travel companions. That email sealed the deal.

Nancy's mom, Irene has been an active member of WW for almost 40 years. I am pretty sure her week feels off if she misses a meeting. She is there every Sunday even though she only has to officially weigh-in once a month. She doesn't know it but she is my hero. I aspire to be like her. I want to be the one who inspires someone to want more for themselves.

With friends by your side anything is possible. Thank you Sunday morning meeting people. I am happy to be back amongst friends where I belong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to have you back Trish. It's a difficult journey with plenties of bumps and curves in the road. We just have to try our best to stay on the path and hope we don't hit too many detours.

The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.