Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello? Dumbass This is Your Life Calling !

I consider myself to be fairly intelligent. My mother used to say I was too damned smart for my own good. How I hated when she would say that. Boy she was right. I think that is why I hated when she'd say it. I am too smart for my own good. I spend perciuos energy trying to think myself out of situations I don't enjoy or away from people I don't want to interact with. The simple truth about me is I want to be finished taking weight off. I have gotten lazy. I no longer care about the prize. That is just sad. I think I have forgotten that consitency makes for the best results.
I want to be on the other side of this weight loss journey. I just don't want to do the work anymore. Bad Attitude Alert. Now I need to find my own cure. Stay tuned. I am sure this ride will be interesting.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.