Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Return to Near Normal

I say near normal because I know no one who is. I used to want to be normal. I have come to believe that normal is like time an elusive bitch you can never have. Tomorrow is my wiegh-in day, Sunday.
I am not a big fan of Sunday. It is too hectic and stressed filled for me. Crawl out of bed around 6. Put on coffee, feed CAT, jump in shower, wake hubby. Leave for WW. Try to think positive thoughts. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I want to roll over, smash the alarm clock and sleep until noon. Life however has different plans.
   For  the first time in a very long time I am actually looking forward to going to WW in the morning. I do not expect a weight loss. I just think I have come to terms with who I am and what I want from program. I want to be better, to feel better, to look better, to set a goal and get there through my own hard work.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.