Friday, January 4, 2013

Next up...Friday

     Well it is Friday. We managed to blow our first sick day of the year. Poor hubby a tad under the weather while I am just plain out of gas. I am in a good mood though. I did a great job yesterday trying my new way. Today actually went better than yesterday.  I even logged all my groceries. I am amazed. Watch out day three here I come =)!!!

      The best thing you can give yourself is a friend. I say that because I was reminded today how nice it is to have people in my life that I care about. To be able to be myself, to be comfortable being is all I think I've ever wanted.  The people in my life love me just the way I am. No more trying to be someone I am not.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.