Wednesday, January 9, 2013

To Gym Or Not To Gym

Have you ever started a blog post with a firm course set in mind and then driven right off the edge?
I thought I knew what I wanted to spill thoughts about today when hubby and I got home from work.  I am sitting here drinking my coffee; stuck with a head full of ideas but nothing concrete to chew on.

Today at work my cubiemates and I had an intense conversation about WW and Planet Fitness. Good thing because it gave me perspective on how others feel about both diets and exercise. Bad thing because now I want to join the gym. Bad because like a cheap firecracker all my sparkle will burn off and fizzle out before I achieve any measurable success. I like the IDEA of belonging to a gym. I just fall short of going on a consistent basis. I had my best record when I belonged to the YWCA next to the library. I did aqua aerobics 3 nights a week for nearly 6 months. Eventually I talked myself out of going as often and then I quit. I miss those classes. I had so much fun and my body was really starting to tone up.

At this moment I am concentrating on getting back into the swing of the WW program. I want to have a few weeks under my belt before I jump any new heights. Take some quality time to rebuild my self-confidence a bit before I take a risk.

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The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.