Friday, December 28, 2007

The Lightness of Being

I know strange title,eh?

Every year Shrek and I have time off from work the week of Christmas. We don't do much except catch up on sleep and be married people, if you catch my drift. I think it is the best vacation we take together all year. This year I told Shrek that I wanted to take a week off from WW and the whole being good for a better me. When you go to WW they give you a free pass that you can use any time you need a break from the scale. I had my plan in place...

Starting with Christmas eve I was going to eat whatever I wanted when I wanted and as much of it as I wanted. When weigh-in loomed I would present my coupon for a free ride.The plan was to rejoin program completely guilt free and continue on my merry way to goal. Funny thing happened though. Christmas eve Shrek and I ventured out and secured our meals. In truth I ate everything I ordered just as planned. I hardly slept. I was so crappin' thirsty. My head hurt, my tummy hurt and I felt like I was in a fog. Weird, right?

We were up early for Christmas Day. I ate my regular WW breakfast. After coffee I went to pick up my dad. We, meaning Shrek and I and Dad, had a date with Shrek's mommy for dinner. We had a lovely meal of scalloped potatoes, peas, carrots, corn, ham and for dessert Jubilee Roll from Friendly's. All went well and the food was plentiful and filling. I must confess I ate a few things I shouldn't have but it was a holiday.

Our whole holiday was wrapped up before 5 pm. On our way home from my dad's place I told Shrek that I just didn't have the chops to eat all that crap food anymore. I didn't last a whole week at eating whatever I want, when I want, for as long as I want and I couldn't be happier.

I forgot just how bogged down overeating made me feel. My 28 hour excursion made me realize how much better off I am. I feel so energetic and happy when I eat what I am supposed to. I have been back on my WW program since Christmas night. I look forward to whatever comes next. I know my days as a Large Marge are numbered.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas ?

Funny as I sit here in my livingroom I can't belive that it will be Christmas in just two days. I went out yesterday with my dad. I started and finished my holiday shopping. Not something I would recommend by the way. All of the people in my life are at the stage of age where giftcards go so much farther than some silly gift. It is sad really. I like to know my gift receivers well enough that I can purchase them a cool, nobody else thought about that item. I enjoy being the "cool" gift giver.

I went to WW this morning. I am down 3.8 pounds this week for a grand total of 111.6 pounds. Today we talked about reflecting. How have we changed from this time last year. What have we learned about ourselves on this journey. What do we want for the future. All very good questions I think.

This time last year I weighed 325 pounds and I felt like my heart was going to explode,literally. I was depressed and often I felt hopeless. It is the truth. Human we all are. This Christmas I weigh 208 pounds. I have learned so much about myself. It is okay not to have the answer and ask for help. It is good to have friends that love and support you. I learned that I am truly lucky to have found Shrek and that he continues to love and support me come what may. I have learned that I am a force. I can lose weight,especially when I believe in me. I have learned that I enjoy exercise.

I have renewed faith in myself and hope for a bright future. I now feel confidence in myself and I am planning a vacation. One in which I will have to walk around to see the sites! I know I will make goal, someday.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a bright, hope filled New Year.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Outskirts of Town

No doubt if you have been reading this blog or my other blog you have heard me mention "The Land Of Normal Sizes". I am at the gate just at the outskirts of town. Any time now the drawbridge will lower and the gate keeper will throw open the doors and welcome me in.

My quest has been long and dirty and fraught with danger. On more than a few occasions the road has become difficult and thoughts of abandoning my best efforts have plagued me. I think I now know how the lonely marathon runner feels at mile twenty-three way after everyone else has finished the race and even the TV guys have closed up shop. Where is that finish line? What was I thinking? How do I keep going? The answers come to me if I just reach for them. Stay the course. You can't get to town if you stop moving. Keep your goals in for your soul.

I am just an ordinary girl who had an extraordinary amount of weight to lose. I have no answers, really. I just know that I have no interest in returning to the "Land of Can't Move Out of My Own Way".

I am very fortunate. I have a WW buddy, Jadi. I would not have made it this far without her. Most every Sunday I drive from my house to shake my friend free from her abode, which is crowded with four wee-sized people and her boyfriend. I look forward to the hour-and-a-half we spend together. It is our time to slip away from the things that haunt us. The problems we can't resolve. We get coffee, we gossip, we laugh, we focus on ourselves for that glorious time.

The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.