Saturday, September 6, 2008

Falling Down... Getting Back Up

My mother used to say that it wasn't the fall that hurt you it was the sudden stop. Dear hubby and I have been on vacation this week. I am so happy that it is drawing to a close. I need to return to my life. We started our vacation by going to an old fashioned all- you- can- eat breakfast buffet. Let me say before I go any further that my hubby has been absolutely more than 100% supportive in my weight loss effort and is my biggest cheerleader.

We used to go to buffets all the time. We don't go that often now for obvious reasons. I know he had been wanting to go out for breakfast for sometime but hadn't really brought it up much because my not choosing to eat alot of the things at these buffets. Well I am not exactly sure why I gave into myself but give in I did and give in I have...all week!

I have fallen down. Food addiction is a serious thing. I am a food addict. I ALMOST allowed myself to forget that I can not be trusted around gooey, fattening, super delicious, bad for you goodies. I have eaten things this week that I didn't even want but lacked the balls to say NO ! I have fallen down and in the process have hurt myself. I have allowed negative feelings and thoughts to steer me into the path of impending doom.

I learned I can still slip and fall with the best of the showgirls. Now is the time to find out what I am really made of. I think the stress of success was getting to me and I was too busy trying not to deal with the issues in my head that doing well on program was causing to rise to the top of the brine.

I have spent so much time and effort on losing weight that I have spent zero time making a game plan for being at goal and maintaining a goal for the rest of my life. I got a bit lazy and a bit over-confident. Guess I am human after all. I am determined to finish the path I set out on.

I learned that nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels. I like me. I accept me, the whole of myself not just the "good" parts. I can forgive myself for being weak in the moment, for not making the best choices this week. I am moving on from this a wiser person. I refuse to give up on myself this time around. This time I am letting myself achieve a winning outcome. Never give up on the person you are meant to be; words I try to live by.

The mad chronicling of a Large Marge on a journey to find the girl she used to be.